(A) list of the 50 people most able to prevent
the continuing destruction of the planet.
50 People Who Could Save the Planet
The Guardian Magazine (UK)
Throughout his career, Bob Hertzberg has been a leader in California’s fight against
climate change and its impacts, such as drought and wildfire.
As Chair of the Senate Committee on Natural Resources and Water, Bob
championed resource conservation standards that will guide our state for
generations. He oversaw the passage of a bond measure to improve and safeguard
state and local parks, as well as the most significant changes to forestry protection
laws in decades. He fought for clean water throughout California via legislation
strengthening the state’s drought response in rural and small communities.
After his time in the Legislature Bob became a global clean-energy entrepreneur;
helped create the first solar manufacturing company in South Los Angeles, then
helped launch another new company that produced inexpensive, lightweight solar
panels used around the world.
Public Service
USC Schwarzenegger Institute
for State and Global Policy
Member, Board of Advisors
Los Angeles, California
2012 to Present
The China-US Energy Efficiency Alliance
Member, Board of Directors
Los Angeles, California
2012 to 2019
Task Force on Climate Adaptation
Appointed by Governor Schwarzenegger
Los Angeles, California
2010 to 2011


Sacramento Bee 2019 California Influencers
Contributor, Energy & Environment
Metropolitan Water District
Blue Ribbon Committee on 50-Year Water Plan
Los Angeles, California
2010 to 2011
California Center for Regional Leadership
Board Member
Los Angeles, California
2005 to 2009
Mulholland Tomorrow
Los Angeles, California
2002 - 2007
Board Member
1984 to 2007
In one way or another, in the public arena or the private sector, Hertzberg has worked in the water and energy world for the past four decades.
Matt Williams
CA Municipal Utilities Assn
Recognized Mr. Hertzberg as one of its Top 100 Low-Carbon Pioneers.
CNBC European Business

Significant Legislation
SB 54 - Solid Waste: Reporting, Packaging, and Plastic Food Service Ware
*Chaptered 6/30/22*
This bill establishes the Plastic Pollution Prevention and Packaging Producer Responsibility Act
(Act), which imposes minimum content requirements for single-use packaging and food service ware and source reduction requirements for plastic single-use packaging and food service ware, to be achieved through an extended producer responsibility (EPR) program.
SB 1131 (2017-2018) – Electrical and Gas Corporations: Energy Efficiency
*Chaptered 9/19/2018*
This bill requires the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) to authorize investor-owned utilities (IOUs) incentives for customized industrial, agricultural, commercial, residential, and public sector energy efficiency projects based on nationally recognized measurement and verification standards and establishes new requirements and timelines for the CPUC’s review of these projects.
SB 473 (2017-2018) - Protected species: incidental take: consistency determinations.
*Chaptered 9/10/2018*
This bill makes a series of technical changes to the California Endangered Species Act made after consultation with a variety of academic, conservation, and business organizations and technical assistance provided b y the Department of Fish and Wildlife, and establishes a public review process for the development of recovery planning guidelines, create a recovery planning process subject to appropriation, add flexibility for considering the take of candidate species, and make other technical changes.
SB 134 (2019-2020) – Water Conservation: Water Losses: Enforcement
*Chaptered 8/30/2019*
This bill prohibits the State Water Resources Control Board (Water Board) from imposing liability for a violation of the performance standards for the volume of water losses except as part of the enforcement of an urban water use objective.
Other Significant Legislative
Environmental Achievements
Hammered out a settlement on prudent water policies that advanced landmark agriculture-to-urban water transfers and provided a framework to end nearly seven decades of California/Colorado River water disputes.

Legislative Committees
California State Senate
Natural Resources and Water
Chair, 2017 to 2018
Member, 2015 to 2022
Natural Resources and Water,
Water Future for the Century
2017 to 2018
Governor’s 2019 Report: Wildfires and
Climate Change – California’s Energy Future
Select Committee
2019 to 2020
California Ocean Protection Council
(Senate Appointment)
2017 to 2018
Robert Hertzberg knows the difference between talking about global warming and actually doing something about it.
Katie Couric, CBS Eye to Eye
Honors and Awards
West Basin Municipal
Water District
Legislator of the year
CNBC European Business
Top 100 Low-Carbon Pioneers
The Guardian (UK)
50 People Who Could
Save the Planet
Council for Watershed Health
Distinguished Service Award
Healthy Watershed
The Coalition of the Environment
and Jewish Life in So. California
Environmentalist of the Year
Workin’ Clothes: 2 Decades of Ideas, 2021